Globorisk expands CVD risk estimates to 182 countries
medwireNews: The Globorisk project has published charts for the cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk assessment of people in 182 countries.
“Until now, CVD risk formulae were only developed for high-income country populations,” writes Andrew Moran (Columbia University, New York, USA) in a commentary, which accompanies the publication in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology.
Globorisk previously used a laboratory-based model to produce charts for 11 high-income countries. The group has now extended this by recalibrating the risk model using country-specific CVD data to produce individual charts for those countries, which are available here, along with risk calculators.
The original risk model was based on age, blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, and total cholesterol level, but to facilitate the use of Globorisk charts in low-resource settings, the team created a separate office-based model that does not require any blood tests.
And “[t]he two risk scores are designed in a way that allows and necessitates updating as new data on mean risk factor levels and CVD rates become available,” say Goodarz Danaei (Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, USA) and co-researchers.